haori coat 扇づくし
¥75,000 税込
モデル身長(model stature) : 165 cm
カラフルで可愛らしい扇の柄が全体に施された豪華なhaori coat 扇づくし。オレンジ色のベースが明るく華やかな印象を与え、ブルーデニムとの相性も抜群です。鬼シボちりめんのしっかりとした厚みのある生地は、どっしりとした重みがあり、着るだけで高級感を演出します。
あなたも、このhaori coat 扇づくしで特別な日や普段のお出かけを彩ってみませんか?
A luxurious haori coat with cute and colorful fan patterns all over. The orange base gives a bright and gorgeous impression, and goes great with blue denim. The sturdy and thick fabric of Oni Shibo Chirimen has a heavy weight that gives it a luxurious feel just by wearing it.
This coat has a modern and sophisticated design while giving off a somewhat Japanese atmosphere. It is sure to attract attention around town.
An item that can be used in a wide range of situations regardless of the season. I love that it keeps me warm on cold days and can be worn lightly in warmer seasons.
Why not add color to your special days or everyday outings with this haori coat full of fans?
着丈(Length)113/前幅(Front width)37/後幅(Back width)59 /袖丈(Sleeve)34/袖幅 (Sleeve width)29
【生地のジャンル】 ちりめん
【Fabric genre】Chirimen
※This is just a guess. It is not guaranteed.
【生地の風合い】ハリがあり硬め 重みがある
【Fabric texture】Slightly firm with firmness / Weighty
【Age】Contemporary (1980-)
※This is just a guess. Not guaranteed.
【Condition】Very good
【About the fabric】
The fabric is extremely susceptible to abrasion.
It may cause fraying of embroidery threads or thread breakage.
Please use gently.
Do not let it get wet as it may cause color blotches or stains.
Please consult a kimono dry-cleaners for stain removal when it is badly soiled by spills.
Please consult with a dry cleaner specializing in kimonos.
We do not provide cleaning services.
¥75,000 税込