quilting coat 'BYAKKA'
¥125,000 税込
【素材/Material】SILK100% (裏地/lining: Polyester)
モデル身長(model stature) : 168 cm
BYAKKAのquilting coatは、日本画を思わせる美しい草花の模様が全面に描かれた一枚です。軽やかで柔らかな着心地が特徴の、やや薄手のシボのあるちりめん生地を使用しており、綿入りで暖かく快適です。また、BIGサイズにすることで、ゆるっと崩して着用するスタイルを楽しんでいただけます。
このquilting coatは、独自のデザインや素材にこだわり、日本の伝統的な美意識と現代のファッションを融合させました。着るだけで、あなたのファッションセンスを格上げしてくれること間違いありません。心地よい着心地と美しいデザインが、あなたの日常を彩り豊かにしてくれることでしょう。
このquilting coatで、日常に華を添える感覚を味わってみてください。きっと、新しいファッション体験が待っています。
BYAKKA's quilting coat is a piece with a beautiful flower pattern reminiscent of Japanese paintings painted all over its surface. It is made of slightly thin crepe crepe fabric that is light and soft to wear, and contains cotton for warmth and comfort. Also, by making it a BIG size, you can enjoy the style of wearing it loosely.
This quilting coat is particular about its unique design and materials, and combines traditional Japanese aesthetics with modern fashion. Just wearing it will definitely improve your fashion sense. The comfortable fit and beautiful design will add color to your daily life.
Experience the feeling of adding beauty to your everyday life with this quilting coat. A new fashion experience is surely waiting for you.
【Size/cm】着丈(Length)90 /胸囲(Chest)145 /肩幅(Shoulder)64 /袖丈(Sleeve)48
【生地のジャンル】 ちりめん
【Fabric genre】 Chirimen
※This is just a guess. It is not guaranteed.
柔らかい しなやか 肌触りがすこぶる良い
【Fabric texture】Soft /Soft and supple /Texture is very good
【Age】Vintage & Antique (~1979)
※This is just a guess. Not guaranteed.
【Condition】Very good
【About the fabric】
The fabric is extremely susceptible to abrasion.
It may cause fraying of embroidery threads or thread breakage.
Please use gently.
Do not let it get wet as it may cause color blotches or stains.
Please consult a kimono dry-cleaners for stain removal when it is badly soiled by spills.
Please consult with a dry cleaner specializing in kimonos.
We do not provide cleaning services.
¥125,000 税込