
aloha shirts 'SASA'

¥32,000 税込


なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK




モデル身長(model stature) : cm

ハワイの風を感じるaloha shirts 'SASA'。茶色地にピンク色の笹の葉柄が、アロハシャツらしい爽やかさとそして渋さを兼ね備えています。綸子生地のトロリとした素材感と手触りの良さは、夏の暑い日にぴったり。ビーチやお祭り、カフェなど、様々な場所で活躍すること間違いなし!
笹の葉柄をモチーフにしたaloha shirts 'SASA'は日本とハワイを繋ぐデザインで、温かさとリラックス感を提供します。いつでもどこでも、ハワイの風ような心地よさを感じられる一枚を、ぜひお手元に。
私たちは、日常の慌ただしさを忘れ、南国気分を味わってほしいという想いでこのaloha shirts 'SASA'をお届けしています。気軽に着られることで、リラックスした雰囲気があなたを包みます。夏の陽気にぴったりのアイテムで、自然と笑顔になれること間違いなしです。

Aloha shirts 'SASA' that gives you the feel of Hawaii. The pink bamboo leaf pattern on the brown background combines the freshness and sourness of an aloha shirt. The smooth texture and soft touch of the silk fabric are perfect for hot summer days. It is sure to be useful in various places such as beaches, festivals, cafes, etc.
Aloha shirts 'SASA', with a bamboo leaf pattern as a motif, has a design that connects Japan and Hawaii, providing a sense of warmth and relaxation. Be sure to have this piece on hand so you can feel the comfort of the Hawaiian breeze anytime, anywhere.
We offer aloha shirts 'SASA' with the hope that you will forget the hectic pace of everyday life and enjoy the tropical feeling. By being easy to wear, it will envelop you in a relaxed atmosphere. This item is perfect for summer fun and is sure to put a smile on your face.

【Size/cm】着丈(Length)70 /胸囲(Chest)118/肩幅(Shoulder) 52/袖丈(Sleeve) 22

【生地のジャンル】 綸子
【Fabric genre】Rinzu
※This is just a guess. It is not guaranteed.

【生地の風合い】柔らかい しなやか とろみがある 肌触りがすこぶる良い
【Fabric texture】Soft /Soft and supple /Thick /Texture is very good

【Age】Vintage & Antique (~1979)
※This is just a guess. Not guaranteed.

【Condition】 There is very small needle hole.


【About the fabric】
The fabric is extremely susceptible to abrasion.
It may cause fraying of embroidery threads or thread breakage.
Please use gently.
Do not let it get wet as it may cause color blotches or stains.
Please consult a kimono dry-cleaners for stain removal when it is badly soiled by spills.
Please consult with a dry cleaner specializing in kimonos.
We do not provide cleaning services.

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¥32,000 税込
