
kimono box dress "PINK DAIRINKA"

¥39,000 税込


なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK




【素材/Material】SILK100% (裏地/lining: POLY)
モデル身長(model stature) : 168cm

美しい大輪のお花が大胆にデザインされた"PINK DAIRINKA"は、くすんだピンク色が派手さを抑えつつも、存在感を放ちます。薄くて軽い着心地で、麻のような肌触りが涼やかな一枚。黒のベルベットポケットが程よいアクセントになっています。洗練されたデザインでありながら、どこか遊び心も感じられるアイテムです。
このドレスは"kimono box dress"として、和の要素を取り入れつつも洋服らしさもしっかりと感じさせるアイテム。異国情緒漂うイメージを持つ方にもおすすめの一着です。洗練されたデザインに魅了され、心奪われる一枚にぜひ出会ってみてください。
"PINK DAIRINKA" has a bold design of beautiful large flowers, and its dull pink color makes it less flashy, yet still has a strong presence. A thin, light and comfortable piece with a linen-like feel that is cool to the touch. The black velvet pocket is a nice accent. Although it has a sophisticated design, it also has a sense of playfulness. This dress is a "kimono box dress" and while it incorporates Japanese elements, it also has a distinctly Western-style feel. This item is also recommended for those who have an exotic image. Be captivated by the sophisticated design and be sure to come across a piece that will captivate your heart.

【Size/cm】着丈(Length)102 /胸囲(Chest)110 /裄丈(Sleeve length)60

【生地のジャンル】 その他
【Fabric genre】 Other
※This is just a guess. It is not guaranteed.

【生地の風合い】柔らかい しなやか 薄くて透け感あり
【Fabric texture】Soft /Soft and supple /Thin and transparent

【Age】Vintage & Antique (~1979)
※This is just a guess. Not guaranteed.

【Condition】Very good

【About the fabric】
The fabric is extremely susceptible to abrasion.
It may cause fraying of embroidery threads or thread breakage.
Please use gently.
Do not let it get wet as it may cause color blotches or stains.
Please consult a kimono dry-cleaners for stain removal when it is badly soiled by spills.
Please consult with a dry cleaner specializing in kimonos.
We do not provide cleaning services.

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¥39,000 税込
