Reversible blouson coat 'KONJYAKU&AI'
¥120,000 税込
モデル身長(model stature) : men:185cm women:168cm
あなたの着こなしを華やかに彩る一着、Reversible blouson coat 'KONJYAKU&AI'。可愛らしい絵巻物風総柄の縮緬の生地と藍染の真綿紬とのリバーシブル仕様で、シックと可愛いを楽しめる贅沢なブルゾンコートです。オレンジ色のファスナーがアクセントとなり、さりげない個性を演出してくれます。
Reversible blouson coat 'KONJYAKU&AI' is a piece that will brighten up your outfit. This luxurious blouson coat is made of reversible crepe fabric with a cute picture scroll-like all-over pattern and indigo-dyed cotton pongee, allowing you to enjoy chic and cuteness. The orange zipper is an accent and gives it a subtle personality. This coat is not only comfortable to wear, but also attracts attention with its presence. Depending on the sophisticated design and how you arrange your outfit, it will match a variety of occasions. Be sure to wear this coat on the day you go on a new adventure or on an important anniversary.
【Size/cm】着丈(Length) 100/胸囲(Chest) 116/肩幅(Shoulder)43 /袖丈(Sleeve)66 /アーム囲(Arm hole)56
【生地のジャンル】 ちりめん/紬
【Fabric genre】 Chirimen/ Tumugi
※This is just a guess. It is not guaranteed.
【生地の風合い】少し硬め 重みがある 柔らかい しなやか とろみがある 肌触りがすこぶる良い
【Fabric texture】 Slightly stiff / Weighty /Soft /Soft and supple /Thick /Texture is very good
【Age】Contemporary (1980-)
※This is just a guess. Not guaranteed.
【Condition】Very good
【About the fabric】
The fabric is extremely susceptible to abrasion.
It may cause fraying of embroidery threads or thread breakage.
Please use gently.
Do not let it get wet as it may cause color blotches or stains.
Please consult a kimono dry-cleaners for stain removal when it is badly soiled by spills.
Please consult with a dry cleaner specializing in kimonos.
We do not provide cleaning services.
¥120,000 税込